Nurses Survey

Nurses the eyes and ears of healthcare.

Nurses Know Doctors!

We value your expert opinion

Please complete only categories you are informed in. Only positive comments are accepted and posted. Thank you

Who would you mention in the following specialties? Please enter doctors full name and work facility.

  • Who would you mention for Podiatrists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Allergists/Immunologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Cardiologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Anesthesiologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Colon and Rectal Surgeons?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Critical Care Medicine Specialists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Dermatologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Endocrinologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Family Physicians?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Gastroenterologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Geriatric Medicine Specialists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Hematologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Hospice and Palliative Medicine Specialists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Infectious Disease Specialists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Internists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Medical Geneticists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Nephrologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Neurologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Obstetricians and Gynecologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Oncologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Ophthalmologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Osteopaths?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Otolaryngologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Pathologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Pediatricians?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Physiatrists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Plastic Surgeons?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Podiatrists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Preventive Medicine Specialists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Psychiatrists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Pulmonologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Radiologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Rheumatologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Sleep Medicine Specialists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Sports Medicine Specialists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for General Surgeons?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for Urologists?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

  • Who would you mention for test?

    Please rate this doctor in the following categories on a scale of one to five

    Competence and Skill.

    Communication and rapport.

    Care and respect of patients.

I would like to recommend/mention a doctor for:

Your Information

Your full name and residence is required to verify you as a nurse and will not be associated with the survey results. E-mail is required to receive JAAN's newsletter on upcoming news and events, contest, and contest winner notification.

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